Ways Kids Can Help Protect Our Water

Kids are like sponges, absorbing information, energy and maybe even the occasional puddle with reckless abandon. But what if we could harness that boundless enthusiasm and direct it towards a power...

Ensuring Clean Water During Natural Disasters

In the face of natural disasters, maintaining access to clean water is paramount. Floods and power outages threaten our water supply, making proactive preparation essential to protect health and we...

Keeping Our Water Safe: The Types of Water Pollution

Water isn't just something we drink; it's a huge part of who we are – literally! Water makes up over half of our bodies, so it's no surprise that we need it to be as clean as possible. But as you'...

Nature’s Ingenious Water Filters: How Wetlands Cleanse Our Ecosystems

In the world of water filtration and technology, we often look to nature for inspiration. While we’ve created modern systems to filter water, nature has its own method: wetlands. You might picture ...

Ion Exchange Filtration: Does it Clean Your Water?

Hello, water enthusiasts and curious minds alike! At King Water Filtration, we understand that the world of water filtration is vast and sometimes hard to understand. There are various methods out ...

Dive into the New Year: Embracing Hydration in 2024

As we move into January, you’ve got some big decisions to make about your goals for 2024. New Year's resolutions are more than just annual traditions – they're opportunities for meaningful change a...