Hot Water vs. Cold Water: Which Hydrates Best?

The quest for optimal hydration is hotter than ever, with debates swirling like a vortex in a water bottle. But when it comes to quenching your thirst, a question lingers: Does hot or cold water hy...

From Ocean Depths to Your Faucet: Does Ocean Pollution Affect Fresh Drinking Water?

Everyone enjoys a visit to the beach, right? The ocean is a majestic natural wonder, providing food, transportation and recreation. Just the thought of pollution in our beloved oceans, be it the ga...

The Dangers of Lead in Drinking Water – and What You Can Do About It

Since the Flint Water Crisis began nearly a decade ago in 2014, the topic of lead in water hasn’t strayed far from the headlines. Although the crisis may seem far away in time and memory, the lead ...

Which King Water Filtration System Is Best for You?

Here at King Water, we offer over a wide array of water treatment systems because we understand that everyone’s filtration needs depend on multiple factors. For that reason, deciding which water fi...